We are guided by the Cherokee Nation Community Organization, Chief Hoskin, and our two Cherokee Nation Counselors At-Large; Julia Coates and Mary Baker Shaw who provide information and expertise to our growing organization.
Tsa-La-Gi Los Angeles
Cherokee Nation language class in Los Angeles
Native Arts and Crafts
Experience our unique native arts and crafts lessons and workshops
Basket making and bead making is a traditional part of Cherokee Culture.
Cherokee Music and Language
Cherokee Nation Rep. Tommy WIldcat helps us ensure our future with Cherokee song and language
Cherokee Nation
Community Association
Staying connected to our roots. Join the Fun!
Drumming Circle and education on the Cherokee Stomp Dance
by Abraham Bearpaw
Cherokee storyteller Robert Lewis
always keeps us entertained when
he shares our history through the
traditional art of storytelling
Counselor Johnny Kidwell
At-Large Tribal Council
Moccisian Making class with Pam Bakke of Cherokee Nation
A fun afternoon of stickball lead by Abraham Bearpaw and Cole Hogner. Womens team won!!
Membership to Tsa-La-Gi LA is open to everyone. Request a membership package through our contact page.
Mothers Day Celebration.
In May we celebrate Cherokee Mothers and Women!
Tsa-La-Gi LA was formed in 2007 as a non-profit organization in LA County. In June 2011 we were officially chartered under the Cherokee Nation Community Association and serve as an official satellite community organization of the Cherokee Nation.
The official Cherokee Nation satellite community of Los Angeles
Counselor Julia Coates
At-Large Tribal Council
Family friendly
The young people joining our drumming circle. Cherokee family
is very important
Cherokee Nation Connection
Frequent visits from the Cherokee Nation to keep in touch. Our very own Treasure Helen is receiving a "special recognition" from Chief Hoskin and Tribal Councilmembers.
Chuck Hoskin Jr.
Principal Chief Cherokee Nation
2019 to present