Upcoming event for September: Cherokee Nation History class  

Saturday, September 14 (all day) & September 15th (half day.

You will receive a free Cherokee History book Location TBD

Osiyo, Welcome

Working with the native urban community of Los Angeles to ensure a brighter future for Native Americans

Tsa-La-Gi  Los Angeles

Helen McAllister

Treasurer (Cherokee Citizen)

Laurie Docktor (Cherokee Citizen)


Our Mission

Need to contact us?   email us at


All Cherokee Nation satellite communities are family, so please feel free to join our festivities, meetings, and events any time.

Meetings typically occur every other Saturday on odd numbered months. 

Connect with us on Facebook - link is on bottom of the page.

  • Promote and nurture the historical values of Cherokee Nation citizens living outside the Cherokee Nation boundaries.
  • To learn and retain the Cherokee language, history, and culture for future generations.
  • To be knowledgeable and assist the tribal nation in the issues facing modern Cherokee Citizens.  
  • To disseminate information on issues and act as a liaison for the Cherokee Nation.

Cherokee Marbles demonstration with

Jesse Grayson ​

​(click below)


The official Cherokee Nation satellite community of Los Angeles

Summer fun & games Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00 am

Todd Banks

Membership Cordinator.

At our July 27th event you will be able to personalize your own Cherokee marble. Yes the first 60 people will be provided with supplies and your own pouch to take your marble home with you

Pam Robbins

Historian ​(Cherokee Citizen)

Type your paragraph here.

  Local community

Rosemary Boyd

 Meeting Coordinator

Join Us

Saraya Hamidi

Media Coordinator.

(Cherokee Citizen)

Tsa-La-Gi LA supports local initiatives in Los Angeles County that promote awareness and support to the native community. If you would like to find out more about what's going on in the native urban community of Los Angeles, please read our online periodical below. 

Members of the Tsa-La-Gi LA Council & Inland Empire Council met with Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr & Deputy Principal Chief Bryan Warner to discuss how Cherokee Nation can serve it's At- Large Citizens.

We meet on the second Saturday of the month

11:00 am to 1:00pm during the following months:

January,March, May 

July, September &November

We are excited to host our event at the Historic & Sacred Kuruvungna Village Springs & Cultural Center which has a Tongva village, gardens and natural springs. It is a registered California Landmark Registered with the Native American Heritage Commission as a Sacred Site.

Meet Our Local

Tsa-La-Gi Council

 History                ka-no-he-s-gi





Cynthia M Ruiz (Cherokee Citizen)

Group Coordinator

Watch our 20-minute movie

" ​Keep Our Stories  Alive "

Click on lin